Epicor Technical Development

Your Extended Epicor Development Bench - Reliable, Scalable, Affordable

Epicor Services We Offer

  • SSRS development
  • BAQs, Dashboards & Updatable Dashboards
  • XL Connect
  • Epicor Process Automation
  • EDA and EDD
  • Crystal Reports
  • Microsoft Power BI
  • E10 to Kinetic
  • On Premise to Cloud Migration Support
  • Epicor E9 to Kinetic Upgrade
  • DocStar/ECM Upgrade
  • Custom Mobile and Web App Development using Restful APIs
  • Approval Workflow
  • HR to Epicor
  • Timesheet to Epicor
  • Custom Module Development
  • Kinetic Application Studio
  • BPMs & Advanced BPMs – C# & LINQ
  • Handheld Customization
  • Kinetic, E10, E9
  • DocStar
  • Mobile CRM
  • Eva
  • Commerce Connect
  • Mattec MES
  • Epicor Mobile Warehouse
  • QR Code and Bar Code
  • Epicor Automation Studio
  • Service Connect Workflows
  • Restful API integration
  • SSIS & Link Server based integration
  • Epicor to/from UPS and FedEx and similar freight system
  • Port based hardware (Barcode, Weighbridge) integration
  • Other Epicor Integrations
  • Website Integration with Epicor
  • EDI

Looking for Epicor Technical Development from the best?